Thursday, 24 May 2012

Balea Face Masks

So, despite the lectures given to me by mother about how it will disappear once I'm an adult, my oily skin and acne are still ragin' away. My sisters find this quite amusing as they both have perfect skin. They know nothing of this pain :'(  Ever since I was 11 or 12 years old I've been fighting breakouts, not just on my face but my upper back and shoulders, too (not so great for the ol' self-confidence). I used to never go out without make-up on and a shirt or hoodie covering my shoulders, especially during high school. Now it's not that big of a problem as I'm slowly learning to not worry so much about it as well as being able to treat it properly.
I've tried dozens of different products and routines and most of them just either prove ineffective or irritate my skin even more. I've also tried prescription medication to help deal with my skin but it also made little difference and I'm not really too keen on messing around with my hormones in general. However, over the past year I've been using the Balea clay face masks and they work amaaaazingly. Not only has my acne diminished, but a lot of the oiliness and redness has as well and whatever little breakouts I do get heal sooo much faster and leave no scarring. Plus these things are super cheap! I buy mine from Shopper's and a lot of the time they're on sale for 3 for $5! I use these on my face every morning and one packet can last me a over a week. They're definitely a great buy.

My tips for treating oily, acne-prone skin:

1. Cut sugar from your diet (pop, cookies, ice cream, iced tea, juices...)
2. Cut unhealthy fats from your diet (chips, deep-fried foods, greasy pizzas...)
3. Try to drink 3+ tall glasses of water daily
4. Treat your face to one of these masks once a day, particularly after a hot shower or bath so that your pores are open
5. Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser before bed
6. Wash pillow cases once a week
7. Avoid touching your face with your hands

All the best,
Average Allie

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